Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A New Soundtrack Era

Ben Siserio, a critic for the NYT, has in the past highlighted famous musicians such as Alicia Keys and Amy Winehouse. This time he explores the underground scene of punk-meets-folk through the artist, Kimya Dawon. Of course lately, Dawson has climbed to the charts after her hit soundtrack of the film ‘Juno’, yet she is troubled by all the attention, unlike the more outrageous members of pop culture today.

In this article, not only does Siserio highlight Dawsons popularity, but he tackles the changing artistry behind film soundtracks as well. Instead of the blockbuster pop soundtrack, there is a growing popularity in the indie or folk genre. He uses the popular examples of Garden State and how the soundtrack went on to sell 1.3 million copies.  

In this way he lifts up Kimya Dawson for being the next new craze, sighting her songs being performed in bedrooms for YouTube. He ends his piece interestingly by describing her unique method of performance. She pleads with us to take her normally while gathering her audience into a group hug. 

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