Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Poisonous Fish

In the New York Times today on the front page, there is an article on the mercury levels found in Sushi. This is obviously information that was already known to the restaurant owners/managers as many restaurants are shown to have signs warning children, pregnant women, and frequent diners. The mercury levels were found to exceed warning when sushi is eaten once a week with one serving size. However, the story fails to mention whether small intakes of mercury, if only eaten once in a while, or large amounts at one sitting will affect the consumer differently. Also, what happens when the fish is cooked? Does the mercury vanish? Will one day the illustrious market of sushi be banned? or will we be able to find a way to remove the mercury from the delicacy? Only time will tell. 


Marin said...
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Marin said...

While your responses are interesting, please focus on arts journalism and other op-ed pieces!